Book Ahead!

It’s so painful when the call comes in…”High Joey, this is Nancy Poorplanner. Listen, is there any way Tawney can get me in for a full highlight, root touch up and haircut by Saturday? My hair is looking a frightful mess and I have this thing I want to do. Can you help?” No…. I

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The Covid Question

Let’s be honest, your hair is starting to look a little sketchy but you’re worried about Covid 19 so you’ve been postponing your hair appointment. We get this all the time here at Hair By Joey… folks who’ve waited and waited and now just have to get their hair done. Covid is a valid concern

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7 Days A Week

It’s hard to get your hair done on Sundays and Mondays. The vast majority of salons and barbershops are closed for the “Stylist Weekend”. What is a person to do if those are the only days they have off or if they suddenly need to have their hair done for an unexpected Monday meeting or

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